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Case Studies - RevoluSun

Case Study 1

Hanua Logistics Center, LLC 

•1,750.68 kW on warehouse roof

•2,826 SunPower 460-watt modules

•(2) Tesla Megapacks totaling 5.782 MW / 11.564 MWH 

•Estimated retail value of energy for the first year based on Nov. 2023 rates: $940,000

What makes this project special: 

Going into the battery bonus program providing valuable grid services and earning substantial income. Energy can be sold to tenants.

This project is eligible for more Battery Bonus monthly incentives than any other project we have seen – battery bonus upfront payment, Hawaii Energy Rebate for participating in Battery Bonus, state/federal tax credits and depreciation.


Case Study 2

Veterans Association Clinic

•Developed in Partnership with Hunt

•360.33 kW of Lumos frameless glass panels over walkways and 207.6 kW of over rooftops

•(1,015) Lumos 355-watt modules & (428) Hanwha 485-watt modules

•Estimated retail value of energy for the first year based on Nov. 2023 rates: $300,000

What makes this project special: 

Hospital will serve veterans as Tripler is over capacity. This project has beautiful architecture. The Lumos walkways are frameless glass panels with solar cells imbedded in them allowing natural light to come through. It doubles as a roof and a solar array.