Solar is a great investment
Ever wonder what happens to solar power on a cloudy day or how solar saves money? You aren’t alone. Our customers have questions, and we have answers.
David Gorman
President “David Gorman, a Honolulu native and Punahou School alumnus, is a Partner and President of RevoluSun. Holding a BA in Economics from the University of Hawai’i, David’s career journey…
Eric Carlson
Chief Innovation Officer & Founder Eric Carlson, a founding partner and Chief Innovation Officer at RevoluSun, LLC, stands at the forefront of Hawaii’s solar and smart home market evolution. His…
Josh Powell
Chief Executive Officer & Founder Joshua F. Powell, AIA, CEO and founding partner of RevoluSun LLC (RevoluSun Smart Home). Leading operations in Hawaii and Idaho, he has served as the…
Questions? Contact us. We’ll help you to install your system, today.
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