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Has Your Local Solar Company Gone Out of Business? - RevoluSun

Has Your Local Solar Company Gone Out of Business?

Has your local solar company gone out of business? You’re not alone! The “Boom to Bust” Solar surge left a lot of homeowners without a solar company to call for technical support. This is why it’s so important to go with a reputable, long standing, local solar company like Revolusun. If you are in the market for a solar company, here are a few things you can do to make sure you choose a solar company that will stick around.

1. Get multiple quotes

2. Do your product research and make sure the company you go with is using the best products for your needs.

3. Read online reviews: No company is perfect, but find a company that has great reviews and fixes their mistakes with a great customer service team.

If you are one of the homeowners whose solar company has gone out of business, here are some tips on how to move forward in your solar journey.

  • Your installed equipment should have a warranty: work directly with the product company for any issues

  • Most cases require someone to come out and perform the work: Make sure you work with the product company to select certified technicians that won’t void your product warranties

We get a lot of calls and although we’d love to immediately pick up the slack for our community, our number one priority will always be our RevoluSun Ohana. We cannot be the stand in for all the unlucky homeowners that went with a company that has come and gone. We are working to build our service and maintenance department to offer more support to the solar orphans…stay tuned.

Contact us today to have your questions answered by our Solar Specialists 808.748.8888 | revolusun.com