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5 Direct Causes of Your High Electric Bill - RevoluSun

5 Direct Causes of Your High Electric Bill

Want to know the direct cause of your high electric bills? HECO has broken down 5 major factors for us:

FUEL COSTS: The cost of fuel used to make electricity can have a significant impact on your bill. You pay no more than the actual cost of fuel purchased. That means when the price of fuel goes up, the increase is reflected in your bill, and when the price goes down, so do the charges on your bill. 

WEATHER: High humidity, vog and Kona (southeasterly) winds can lead to higher electricity usage from running an air conditioner or turning on additional fans.

SEASONAL USAGE: On shorter, cooler winter days, your electricity usage may go up due to increased lighting and hot water use. Longer, warmer summer days can lead to longer use of air conditioners and fans. Extra trips to the refrigerator/freezer for cool drinks and ice also increase your electricity usage.

THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD: Visiting guests, including kids home from college, means more showers, laundry, and cooking, resulting in more usage of electricity. 

LENGTH OF BILLING CYCLE: Electric bills vary due to the length of the billing period, which can range from 27 to 33 days. Your bill provides an average of the kilowatt-hours used per day. Be sure to look at this figure – not just the total amount – when comparing monthly bills.

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