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How Do I Know if My Solar Panels Need to be Cleaned? - RevoluSun

How Do I Know if My Solar Panels Need to be Cleaned?

Living in Hawaii we are surrounded by the beautiful vast ocean, as well as lush greenery, valleys, and more. Although the view is great, these environmental factors can be our solar panel’s worst enemy over time. This is why it is so important to clean your solar panels so they are working at peak efficiency. Here are some common environmental factors that prevent this from happening: 

  • Living close to the ocean means dealing with the unusually high amount of salt in the air. This salt ends up on your solar panels and builds up over time, creating a layer that blocks the panels from the sun. 

  • If you live in a lush valley or are surrounded by many trees, you see many creatures living in this greenery. These animals tend to leave droppings on the panels, especially if you live in an area that is in a direct flight path of birds. The droppings also block the panels from the sun. 

A couple common questions we are asked are, “How do I know if my panels need to be cleaned?” “Is there a best time of the year for panel cleaning/maintenance and how often should I schedule something like this?” You can easily spot a dip in production on your monitoring app, which is the most common indicator that your panels may need to be cleaned. To answer the second question, the best time to get your panels cleaned is before/beginning of the summer to ensure peak efficiency during the sunniest season of the year! Homeowners should generally schedule a cleaning service once a year, unless you live near the ocean or in a lush valley, in which case we recommend scheduling a cleaning twice a year. For our homeowners buying houses with PVs installed, we recommend scheduling a panel cleaning, as well as an inspection for $250.

Schedule your PV system inspection and panel cleaning today, with Hawaii’s most trusted solar company! 808.748.8888 | revolusun.com