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RevoluSun Shines - RevoluSun

RevoluSun Shines

A few years ago, you could find hundreds of solar companies competing for your business. Today, there are just a handful of solar companies still operating… so, what happened? 

Boom to Bust… With Some Exceptions

From 2011-2013, Hawaii experienced a “solar boom” due to the easy to navigate Net Energy Metering (N.E.M) program in partnership with Hawaiian Electric. N.E.M was a “dollar for dollar” credit on your electricity bill. In short, the power you produced on your home could also be sent back to the grid for credits.

This program was a huge success, as 300 different entities submitted solar permits annually from 2011-2013 including new solar startups, mainland solar companies, and electrical companies installing solar systems. Even roofing companies rushed to join in.

The End of N.E.M, the Fallout & the Present

Unfortunately, most of the companies that tried to capitalize on the N.E.M movement have either left Hawaii to focus their attention to more lucrative states or have gone out of business outright.

The Hawaii solar market contraction was sudden and undeniable. In 2013 there were over 300 companies filing for permits… that number dropped to 120 in 2014. The downward trend continues today as only 4 of the top 10 solar companies in Hawaii (by number of permits) are locally owned and operated. RevoluSun is proud to be in the top spot.

Life After N.E.M… Program Complexity

After N.E.M ended, solar systems became a bit more complex, and new programs required a much deeper understanding of solar system design. As “plug and play” systems fell by the wayside, a lot of companies that cut corners to deliver the absolute lowest cost ultimately failed because the financial burden of routine fixes and faulty equipment became too much to shoulder. 

Additionally, new DPP processes, electrical inspections, and the additional financial pressure of long installation wait times left many companies unable or unwilling to continue operations. The end result? Hundreds of solar providers closed their doors, and now over 35,000+ solar system owners have no one to call to maintain their systems. 

A Name You Can Trust: RevoluSun at a Glance

We have helped 8,500+ homeowners go solar and we are Hawaii’s most trusted solar provider.
Our Mission is to be the catalyst in the transition from fossil fuel based energy to solar energy, one rooftop at a time.

We Are A Locally Owned and Operated Hawaii Business.

RevoluSun currently operates as three distinct entities in Hawaii, Idaho and Massachusetts. A combined team of 207 men and women, committed to a clean, renewable future. We offer PV systems, Storage systems, Thermal Solar Systems and HVAC systems.

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Always innovating, always growing

With over a decade of solar market dynamics under our belt, we’ve overcome a gauntlet of utility tariff changes, recessions and now a pandemic. In 2014, as Net Metering options narrowed in Hawaii, we expanded our product offering to build on the foundation of a lifelong relationship with our customers and their relationship to energy. We evaluated a range of products and re-branded the business as RevoluSun Smart Home. Ultimately, we streamlined new product lines to Roofing, Air Conditioning and Solar Hot Water as solid, profitable additions that compliment our core services. As we grow these business lines, our objective is to balance revenue and continue to build a strong customer base to use them all. This diversity in revenue sources serves as a hedge against potential regulatory constraints and the margin squeezing cost reductions inherent in rapidly developing technology.
